STR: 13 (+1 to attack, damage, and open doors)
DEX: 13 (-1 AC, +1 missile, +1 initiative)
CON: 13 (+1 hp)
INT: 10 (literate)
WIS: 8 (-1 save vs. spells)
CHA: 9
Hit Points: 6
Armor Class: 8
Loyalty (estimated): 9
Employer: Grumble Brokenaxe (+1 Inspire Loyalty bonus)
Terms of Employment: 2 gold marks per week plus an additional +1 gold piece per day in hazardous conditions (as determined by employer)
Languages: Common
Carries: Backpack, 2 waterskin, 1 wineskin, 10 days trail rations, hand axe, bedroll, old non-magic shield, silver candelabra, 2 crystal decanters, 4 crystal glasses.
Encumbrance: @42 lbs.
Objects of questionable value: None
Get to a good starting point and PODCAST this game! All you need is a digital recorder at the table to start with. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! I think no I KNOW that Archive of the Rotten Moon with a bit of cool intros and music would really be a big hit in the gaming podcast world!
ReplyDeleteI'm not certain I share your enthusiasm. Despite what you might read, we're just the same kind of group that sits around a table and pretends to fight monsters and makes bad jokes for four hours each week. I don't think the magic that occurs can be bottled or if it was, would be palpable.
ReplyDeleteI think the illusion that we're more special in some ways is better than the revelation that we're no different from a hundred other gaming groups is better.
So palpable.